Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Hoffmans and Brighton Their World

Well, we were all excited about going to the park today with friends from our adoption/orphan care group.  But little man has a fever and a cough.  Soooo we are hanging out at home, watching movies and(of course) I'm painting.. but I have really wanted to sit down and write this post to you. 

During my Facebook fast, I noticed that I was really filling my time off of Facebook with other things..  Isn't it funny how when you realize one thing has become an idol in your life, and you remove it.. then a whole host of other things will move in to take it's place.  In today's society, we have so much stuff that can fill our time and distract us from pursuing relationship with  our Heavenly Father.  BUT we can take comfort in the fact that He is constantly pursuing US!  And in the midst of my fast I felt like the Lord laid this part of Isiaish 58 on my heart...

 “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: 
to loose the chains of injustice...
to set the oppressed free ...
Is it not to share your food with the hungry 
   and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— 
when you see the naked, to clothe them, 
   and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? 
(portions of Isaiah 58)

So I started thinking about how much time I spend on social media of various sorts and thought about how I might use that time for good.  And then various ministries came to my mind and one in particular that I've been wanting to tell you about.  It's only a shame that it has taken me until today to sit down and do it!! 

So, here's a cool story of how God weaves people and purposes together.  
In December, we were shopping at the HOPE market at North Metro.  This is a market set up where you can use some of your Christmas $$ to shop for hope! How cool is that? So there are various ministries set up like stores and we were able to walk our kids around and let them choose somewhere to spend their money.  They first approached "Brighton Their World" where two adorable little girls stood with shapes of Africa on their t-shirts.  I thought this was right up our ally. :)  That is when we met Tymm and Laura Hoffman who started Brighton.  You see back in 2007, they had a son named Brighton waiting in Ethiopia.  And he never made it home.  Blow. to. the. Heart.   Major.   Here is the story of how they are honoring little Brighton's life.

It turned out that when we started talking to Tymm and Laura, we found out that Tymm was leading a Visiting Orphans team that was headed to visit the remand homes in Uganda where Sean was going in January! Not only that, but Laura went to high school with Shelly Owens of and  Crazy? Nah.  God is always weaving His folks together for His purposes!  

Months later, we are blessed to be part of an orphan care/adoption group with these precious folks and their amazing daughters that they have brought home from Ethiopia.  For the sake of your sheer joy and entertainment you should hop over to their blog and see the videos Tymm has made of their girls Meron and Mebrate. Like this one entitled "how to pray" or this one (below) about Brighton Their World! 

So, we are enjoying getting to know these folks.  And not only are we trying to raise awareness for children imprisoned in Uganda, we are now holding a permanent formula drive for babies in Ethiopia!  

You can:
-Help us get the word out by reposting this post!!

-"LIKE" Brighton Their World on Facebook by clicking Here

-If you would like to donate $ for Brighton to buy formula for babies in Ethiopia, go to

-If you get formula coupons in the mail or see them anywhere else, clip and save them and give them to me next time you see me!

-and YOU can have your very own formula drive whenever you want to!! 


Blessings on you in the coming days as you prepare to honor and celebrate our RISEN SAVIOR!!