We've all heard it... "Judge not, lest ye be judged"
Let me say that the Holy Spirit himself is an incredible teacher.
When we open our heart to Him and say "Come have your way.."
He will.
When you find yourself blessed by the very people that you have judged, it will blow a hole in your system of thinking. It will bring a sting of tears. I don't want to make that same mistake twice.
I've been convicted on my tendency to place judgements on individuals and people groups.
Pretty much every time I've judged, I've come to find that I was too harsh in my opinions.
And I've been gently led to repentance. How sweet is our God.
I've had to eat words. I've had to say that I'm sorry.
On New Year's Day, my resolution for 2012 was "not to judge others".. to "be a woman who extended grace"
On that same evening, I heard it spoken by a pastor, Rob Mc Dowell, that resolutions are rooted in human effort. That when anything is rooted in human effort it will fail. By human power, we cannot keep our resolutions. But what we CAN do is lay our entire lives on the altar and ask the Lord to make us into what He will.
For me that was Profound.
Since that day, I've seen breakthrough.
Lord, please make me a woman of grace, as I take hold of You daily.
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