Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Lately at the Kirkland household, lots has been going on..

One of us graduated from kindergarten...

Another one of us graduated from the "4 year old class"

We dedicated this little guy to the Lord before our church community at Vintage 242. Might I add that he did not sit still.  He wouldn't let us hold him the whole time.  And he certainly did not keep quiet!

We've been dancin'.....

Makin' a terrarium....

Drawing our own pictures of that terrarium...

And putting a live snail into the terrarium... ( I think it lived in there for quite a long time!)

We've discovered that we have a red - headed woodpecker that lives in a tree in our yard.. (and obviously eats from our bird feeder...)

We've been to a wedding...

And saw our fun cousins..

We went to the mountains...

And back to the beach..

And saw some more fun cousins.. (whom we were having so much fun with, that we forgot to take pictures!)

Now we are home for a short while... and we are so THANKFUL to be home and enjoy the little things...

Like the Hydrangeas...

And the Zinnias showing their faces..

We have 6 foot tall Sunflowers growing 5 to one stem!!

And gobs of tomatoes have arrived.. Here are 21 tomatoes growing on one stem alone!!! Now that is UNBELIEVABLE!!

We are thankful for the  (VERY) busy little feet of a 4 year old boy...

And the sweet and lovable heart of a 6 year old girl.. Look at this arrangement that she made for me this morning... 

Thankful for Georgia Peaches ripening in the window.....

And popsicles after supper....

On top of ALL of that... 

Somebody learned to color today!

If every day could be like today.. filled with such awe and wonder at the greatness in the little things...
Lord, may I never lose the ability to see with the heart and wonder of a child.
Looking forward to what lies ahead...

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.  Give thanks to the Lord and Praise His Name.  For the Lord is good and His love endures forever.  His faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100


  1. Laura, I feel so blessed to have come across your blog via our Becky (aka Rebecca). I love seeing and reading all about you and your beautiful family. I know you are doing well and blessed because of your love for Jesus. I love your heart girl. I follow three blogs now: Becky's I love, Liz's(a childhood friend of Becky's) I adore, and you would like it "Stones of Remembrance," and now yours. I have read your intro and Alpha and can't wait to read others. I am still loving your crosses. One hangs in our bedroom and one in the granddaughter's room. Tell your mom I said hello. Love, Charlotte

  2. Charlotte.. Thanks so much for your comments! I will have to check out Stones of Remembrance. I LOVE Beck's blog. She is quite the domestic momma!! And the girls are precious. I am jealous of all the time she has to nest and nurture and be completely creative around the house!!!
    Please keep in touch!

  3. Laura, I'm so glad you found me and I'm so glad I found you here in the blog world. Charlotte has been such an encourager to me these past few months and it's amazing how the Lord blesses me through her. I loved reading your post about Glory Haus and the Alpha Post. The Lord is going to use this blog to bless many, just as He uses your art work. Jesus, the One who is and was and is to come, overflows onto the screen when you read your posts. His love being poured out through your words and your willingness to share even the failures will speak to many.
    Can I put your blog on my sidewall of my blog to redirect people here?

  4. such a sweet reminder to enjoy all the little things!!! So so true--may we never lose the perspective of seeing the world through our kids eyes. I am SO THANKFUL I got to hug your neck and catch up with you!! I look forward to our next surprise visit together!!! Love you~
